lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Apple donates $ 500,000 to the anti-poverty initiative SF Gives

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Fortune has confirmed today that Apple has donated $ 500,000 to the initiative SF Gives, fighting against poverty in the metropolitan area of ​​San Francisco. Founded by Marc Benioff CEO of Salesforce and Daniel Lurie CEO of Tipping Point. SF Gives sought to today some 10 million dollars to give to charity programs.

Apple does not usually report donations of this type, but there have been some occasions when Cupertino has released grant programs in cases of natural disaster or in collaboration with their employees to NGOs.

Tech giants based in San Francisco are not in their best Popularity

The campaign, founded by tech giants and the giants technological bring good money, should help to improve the image. Apple, meanwhile, has also been working with the Product (RED) campaign. 

Apple currently sells several versions (RED) iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano, iPod Touch, iPad Mini Smart Cover, iPad Air Smart Cover, iPad Air Smart Case, Bumper for iPhone 4s and 5s for iPhone. 

Contributions through their Apple products labeled RED, go directly to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa. Apple also contributes to this cause by changing its iconic logos of Apple Stores in the World AIDS Day goes from white to red for a day.

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