miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Apple, the company that appeals to the heart

There are three forces that drive the world: love, money and power. The most lethal threesome in history. For they have unleashed wars, conquered countries and betrayed ancient alliances. While money and power can explain and reason with relative ease to any person, is not true love.

Love, feelings and emotions are what make us human. Irrational people. Unpredictable. In beings do B when clearly should be doing A. What does this have to do with a technology blog about Apple? Everything.

What is Apple's game?

Apple sells technology surrounded by sensations. This is not something that only appears in their advertisements, is inscribed in their DNA. During the presentation of the iPad 2 over 3 years ago, Steve Jobs said that famous phrase:
“It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough. That it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our hearts sing”  (Steve Jobs).
Technology and Art, two areas that were reluctant to mix as if it were water and oil together in a mass consumption company. It was not the first nor the last to do so. We had a Sony for much of the '80s and '90s with its incredible Walkman and its iconic Braun juicers. Now comes to my head and Tesla electric super car.

What makes it so Apple is putting money in the background. They're not hippies looking good and world peace, no. It is also a business and as such need to earn money, if in large quantities, the better. But there is a difference between that money is your ultimate goal or simply resource.

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