viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

If you are still Mavericks user or Mountain Lion user, you have a major update to download

If you have not yet migrated your Mac to Yosemite, either by choice or simply because your Mac does not support it, be quiet, Apple continues to maintain your operating system. Whether Mavericks or Mountain Lion OS you have installed on your Mac, both just received an update that fixes several vulnerabilities.

This security update for both operating systems, 2015-001, is not an upgrade itself, but comes to plug some holes which also corrected the latest version of Yosemite launched last day 27, the 10.10.2.

Vulnerabilities in access to the App Store, Bluetooth, Spotlight or various types of files. What we do not address the vulnerability of Thunderstrike. This download also updated Safari (the Mountain Lion and 6.2.3 to 7.1.3 for Mavericks) solving some problems of WebKit.

Updating has a size of 177 Mb to Mountain Lion and 63 Mb to Mavericks. It is available for downloading through the Mac App Store.

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