martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Yosemite allows to do scripts for Automator with Javascript

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With the passage of time since the WWDC we continue to discover those little details that were not mentioned in the various presentations. What is more surprising us is Yosemite, OSX version for Macs is revealing news that makes more and more interesting. The latest discovery, is the possibility of using Javascript in Automator. 

Until now to make small programs that help us in our task in OS X, we had to use Applescript in combination with Automator. From now on, we can use language as known to many as Javascript to make any script you want. There will be no need to use Applescript in no time. 

For those interested in scripting and really know how it will work this new feature in OS X only have to visit the WWDC videos and check out the video dedicated to Javascript and Automator.

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